Our team
Field Teams

Bejudah Rampoana
Professional Nurse
Duty Station: Free State, Bloemfontein
Office Address: Office 410, Library House, 44 Wes burger Street, 9301
Job Position: Professional Nurse
Job description: Work closely with outreach team, initiate clients on ART, PrEP, Screen and treat STI, Screen TB.
Sensitize clinics, organizations, community, conduct community dialogues on Health for Men, Sex and Sexuality, importance of adhering to chronic medication and importance of taking PrEP as other method of preventing HIV

Mojalefa Mokheseng
Professional Nurse
Duty Station: Free State, Bloemfontein
Office Address: Office 410, Library House, 44 Wes burger Street, 9301
Job Position: Professional Nurse
Job description: Work closely with outreach team, initiate clients on ART, PrEP, Screen and treat STI, Screen TB.
Sensitize clinics, organizations, community, conduct community dialogues on Health for Men, Sex and Sexuality, importance of adhering to chronic medication and importance of taking PrEP as other method of preventing HIV

Khauhelo Kholotsa
Social Worker
Duty Station: Free State, Bloemfontein
Office Address: Office 410, Library House, 44 Wes burger Street, 9301
Job Position: Social Worker
Job description: I am a social worker with 06 years’ experience within the private and public sector in the Free State Province. At Free State Rainbow Seeds, I am a social worker tasked with leading the psychosocial support unit composed of two social auxiliary workers. Our team provides psychosocial support services focused on improving the Cognitive, Emotional, Physical and Social well-being of the target population of MSM’s, reducing HIV/Aids transmission among MSM’s; including other LGBTQI populations. Moreover, we engage in community awareness and outreach campaigns aimed at reducing HIV/Aids transmission rates in Mangaung.
Management Team

Humphrey Omony
Finance Manager
Duty Station: Free State, Bloemfontein
Office Address: Office 410, Library House, 44 Wesburger Street, 9301
Job Position: Finance Manager
Job description: Oversee the financial operations of the organization, reviewing financial reports, monitoring accounts, and preparing financial forecasts

Thabiso Marshell Chaka
M&E Manager
Duty Station: Free State, Bloemfontein
Office Address: Office 410, Library House, 44 Wesburger Street, 9301
Job Position: M&E Manager
Job description: Works closely with Program teams to assess field conditions, support capacity building initiatives, and facilitate the collection of quality data collection & Reporting.

Nontlantla Yiliwe
Human Resources Manager
Duty Station: Free State, Bloemfontein
Office Address: Office 410, Library House, 44 Wes Burger Street, 9301
Job Position: Human Resources Manager
Job description: Nontlantla Yiliwe is a human Resources Officer at Free State Rainbow Seeds responsible of essential administrative functions of FSRS office. Nontlantla Yiliwe holds a Diploma in Human Resources Management with 4years experience in the HRM field